Innovative staff, supportive parents and talented students
At Akeley Wood, we strive to foster an outstanding partnership of innovative staff, supportive parents and talented students, and despite being a non-selective school, the success of our approach is borne out in our consistently exceptional academic results.
We encourage our students to face the academic challenge we offer them with enthusiasm and in the knowledge that we fully support them in their journey of educational discovery.
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Junior School
Key Stage 2 Results
At Junior School level we have elected to assess children internally rather than imposing SATS in Year 6, allowing us to set individual goals and unlock a truer measure of ongoing progress.
While academic achievement is vital, the school is similarly dedicated to fostering creative development, personal and social skills, and the traditional values of respect and courtesy that will help your child to succeed.
84% of Year 6
Scored between average to very high on their English Progress Test.
(Stanines 4-9)
85% of Year 6
Scored between average to very high on their Maths Progress Test.
(Stanines 4-9)
Join us for an Open Event
From whole school open mornings to an Akeley Breakfast and Tour, there are opportunities throughout the year to visit us onsite and discover what an Akeley education has to offer.
A-Level Results
Our Sixth Form students consistently leave us with excellent results, fully-equipped for their next steps and chosen pathway.
The AW6 Future Ready programme paired with an outstanding A Level curriculum creates well-rounded and confident young people, ready to embark on a future full of success.
19.1% A and A*
We place great emphasis on practical learning and problem solving, encouraging students to be inquisitive, exploring topics to gain greater understanding and to think for themselves.
A committed teaching team.
Our passionate specialist subject teachers and the considered use of technology across all subjects keep our students stimulated and engaged in a varied curriculum.
We mix innovation with traditional teaching methods to underpin an approach that drives progress for all students.
Bringing lessons to life.
Inspirational teaching brings topics to life, and our co-curricular programme with clubs in interests such as debating, games design and artificial intelligence further extends our academic ambition.
Year group trips, workshops and immersive learning experiences further enhance the learning that takes place in the classroom.
Academic challenge.
We believe that students need to be stretched to realise their full potential. We want children to think and learn independently, to be curious and go beyond classroom learning.
We promote this by treating every student as an individual and tracking each child’s progress. This enables us to challenge and stretch them in subjects where they show aptitude and support them in areas of the curriculum they find more challenging.
Keeping students on track.
Staff are passionate about developing students' academic progress alongside their well-being and are committed to carefully monitoring their journey as they progress through the school.
For any students with special educational needs, our SEND Team, in consultation with the student, teachers and parents, will assess and design a personal plan for them. This plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure the needs of the student are constantly in focus.
Individualised learning
Exceptional Potential.
Every student we have the privilege of teaching has unique talents and abilities. All are equally supported and encouraged to achieve more than they thought they were capable of. We create opportunity for all our students, wherever their talents lie - inside or outside the classroom. All are challenged within their lessons and co-curricular activities to reach and exceed their individual academic, sporting and creative potential.
Our Exceptional Potential Programme is in place to provide further challenge to students who are identified through our scholarship programme, by teachers or through the assessment process. Students may join this programme at any point in their Akeley career.
Our educational offer goes way beyond the confines of the classroom.
The curriculum includes not only the lessons taught in class, but also the routines, behaviours, events, activities, and other opportunities that our students experience daily. Our approach helps to ensure the best possible progress academically and contributes to the student’s overall development for future success in the wider world.