General Admissions: 01280 828 122

Extra Curricular Activities

Together, our students, parents and teaching staff make up a vibrant community of individuals at Akeley Wood with a shared passion that teaching and learning should not be confined to the classroom. We strive to harness the creative spirit of our students and encourage self-expression from a very young age, giving our students every opportunity to discover what they love and have the courage to try many new things during their time at school.

Something for everyone

Our fun and inventive extra-curricular programme is a key part of informal learning and a great opportunity to make new friends and to build social confidence, resourcefulness and problem-solving skills. From Reception upwards, children can participate in around 35 different activities crafted to reinforce teaching in the curriculum, as well as supporting existing passions and nurturing new ones.

Extra-curricular activities take place during break and lunch times or after school. Most students will get involved in several activities across the week and they range enormously in scope. Whether it be gardening or chess, programming, sports, yoga or band practice, there is something for all tastes and talents.

Wrap around care


Our wrap around care sessions provide the perfect solution for parents needing to drop off and pick up their children outside the normal school times. Our before and after school sessions are available at a small fee and can be booked via our parent app, Cognita Connect. Early Drop off starts at 8am. Akeley After School Club is from 4.00pm – 6.00pm and includes an afternoon tea followed by time to complete home learning and participate in fun after school activities.


Students can be dropped off from 8.00am at our Senior school site ready for the start of the day at 8.30am. For those needing to pick up their child later than the normal school pick up times, there are after school clubs every day of the week along with a homework club from Monday – Thursday. This finishes at 5.30pm and is provided at no extra cost.

Trips & Residentials

Junior Trips

Whether it's a sports trip to Big Rock climbing centre or a historical visit to an art and archaeology museum, the range of residential trips and days out for students across the school are endless.

From Year 3 our Junior school students take part in annual residential trips, which vary from epic adventures at Land and Wave in Dorset, to glamping in the forest at Camp Wilderness in Hertfordshire, leaving children with a fantastic set of memories alongside new-found confidence.

Senior Trips

Senior School students enjoy residential trips within the UK and around the world, consolidating learning across a wide range of subjects. Our sports tours are extremely popular and include fixture-filled trips to Dubai, Holland and Spain for all of our budding sports enthusiasts to enjoy.

Other trips have included GCSE Geography excursions to Snowdonia National Park, an action packed adventure across the channel to be immersed in and surrounded by the history and language of France, as well as a Performing Arts and Music trip across the pond to the Big Apple itself!

Akeley Wood School

General admissions :01280 828 122