An idyllic environment equipped with modern facilities.
Our Nursery, Reception and Junior School are all set in the same stunning Georgian mansion, surrounded on all sides by fields and woods outside the village of Wicken near Milton Keynes.
This beautiful building provides a safe and secure environment for children to grow and develop, with bright, spacious classrooms and an inspiring Forest School within the wide open grounds of Wicken Park. From the age of two and a half, children visit the forest setting at least once a week.
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Why not come and visit?
We believe that the best way for you to understand the quality of our facilities is to visit us for an Open Event or Breakfast with the Head. Here you’ll get a chance to see what we have to offer your child and get a feel for the ethos of the school.
Surroundings that are secure and ready to explore.
The Nursery is very much a part of School, which has many advantages for the children we welcome. Significant refurbishment in recent years has created light, modern and inspiring learning spaces with four spacious rooms to accommodate the different age groups, and a welcoming and safe enclosed outdoor play area.
Children enjoy the fresh air activities such as bug-hunting and interacting with the Akeley chickens and guinea pigs, and this environment contributes enormously to their personal development.
Facilities at-a-glance:
A nurturing, standalone setting for their first year at school.
We understand that your child's first year at 'big school' can be a daunting step, which is why our Reception setting is the perfect place to ease them into the next step in their educational journey. Our vibrant and spacious Reception classroom sits in a dedicated building, seperate from the main school building but close enough for our younger students to take advantage of all of the fantastic facilities the Junior School has to offer. With a private outdoor learning area, playground and vegetable patch just for them, their first year of school will be one full of adventure.
Facilities at-a-glance:
An idyllic environment equipped with modern facilities.
As students progress through the Junior School, a huge range of facilities are at their fingertips, enabling each child to develop skills in a myriad of subjects. Thanks to dedicated specialist subjects classrooms, such as our Computer Suite, Cooking and Nutrition Kitchen and Art room, every student will have the opportunity to discover where their individual passions lie, while benefitting from a broad curriculum.
Our outdoor learning areas are equally impressive and allow children in every year the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom. From our large sporting grounds to our onsite Forest School, students are able to enjoy the grounds each week through a variety of lessons.
Facilities at-a-glance:
A dynamic environment which champions pupils' happiness and progress.