Junior School Uniform.
All students are encouraged to take pride in their appearance and gain a sense of identity and belonging by wearing the correct school uniform. Students should always arrive at school and leave observing the school standards in full uniform. Any exceptions to this are at the discretion of Extra Curricular or PE staff.
Our Uniform supplier, Stevensons, operates a shop at the Junior School, Wicken Park, for junior school uniform. It is open from 12pm-5pm on Mondays during Term Time.
Senior School Uniform.
Senior school uniform can be ordered online, and our supplier, Stevensons, keeps a full ‘sizing set’ of garments in their shop at the Junior School, enabling students to visit and try on the sizing set to ensure a good fit.
Online ordering is quick and simple and orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched the same day. Alternatively, Senior School parents may like to visit the Stevensons Branch in Summertown, Oxford, where you will be able to take all items with you on the day.
AW6 Uniform.
The stand-alone nature of AW6 allows us to have a culture where independence is encouraged. Therefore, there is no uniform at AW6, just an expectation that students will dress respectfully.
We want to empower our Sixth Formers to be individual and express themselves whilst dressing for a workplace environment throughout the week, with a 'Dress Down Day' every Friday for students that do not have presentations, networking, sports or wish to continue wearing AW6 workplace attire.
Students are asked to wear the Akeley sports kit when representing the school during sports fixtures, with the option to wear their own plain black kit for informal sports sessions